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May 23, 1984

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Diary Entry - 05/23/1984

Wednesday, May 23, 1984

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Fred Fielding came in—he’s worried because I turned our Pvt. Enterprise people loose to raise some money for Eureka College. They had to have $400,000 in 2 weeks or they’d be shut down. I think we saved the day. Fred’s pitch is that money was raised by invoking my name. Frankly I see no reason to worry. I’d have asked them to help any other college out that was forced with such a crisis. Presented E. & E. Star awards in Rose Garden to Bus. People who have performed exceptionally well in Export bus. Bob Dole came by. I talked to him about convincing Congressman Rostenkowski (Chmn. Ways & Means) to give in to our “Enterprise Zones bill” in House-Sen. Conf. Committee. He’s on board to do that. The bill has great support 257 sponsors in the House & passed 3 x by the Sen. I dont know what the Chmn’s. beef is but have been told they dont want the exec. branch to designate the cities to get the program. Geo. Shultz came by—we’re still mulling how to get the Soviets to bend their backs a little. Howard Cosell did a 5 min. interview with me on Sports. Finished up in Dr. Ruge’s office getting rundown on my physical. I’m in good shape. Told him I was worried about Nancy—she seems so lacking in energy. He’s worried too. He thinks she’s just not eating enough.