Diary Entry - 05/22/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the graduation ceremony at the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD.
President Reagan receives the Diplomatic Credentials from new Ambassadors to the United States.
In Lebanon Michel Seurat, a French history researcher, is abducted.
Had our pic. taken with a large group (from 33 countries) of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Then we left by Marine 1 for Annapolis—graduation of 1032 cadets—now Midshipmen. It was a stirring day, the spirit of those cadets was something to behold. My address was exceptionally well received and I then shook each & every one of the 1032 hands.
Back to the W.H. for a late lunch then met with George S. re a meeting with Gorbachev. George will be seeing Gromyko before long—at Helsinki. I told him to suggest mid November here in Wash. & if they insist on a neutral locale—make it Geneva. We’re going to offer Wash. with a commitment that a subsequent meeting would be in Moscow.
This was a day for receiving Ambassadors—Panama, Romania, Jordan & Peoples Republic of China.
A special election is being called in Texas 1st Cong. district. Sam Hall a democrat who voted like a Repub. has left Cong.—I appointed him a judge. Our cand. to replace him is a fine looking prospect named Ed Hargett. He came by for a photo.
I taped a radio piece for the 50th anniversary of the 1st Night ball game at Crosby Field Cinn. It will be played at the ball park—May 24th.
Bud MacFarlane is up on hill negotiating with Sen. on a bill by Nunn who wants to cap MX at 40 missiles & only 12 this year. We want 21 & 50 (we’ll try for the 2nd 50 down the road). Bud thinks he has Nunn willing to go for 50 & possibly 18 this year. I okayed that.