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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/16/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-16-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss drug treatment with leading experts.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan meet with 76 teenage students, 38 from the U.S. and 38 from the Soviet Union.

  • U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop releases a report declaring nicotine as addictive as heroin and cocaine.

View the President's Schedule
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I sounded off about Noriega & the medias treatment based on leaks & unfounded gossip. Then I.N.F. Hearings we’re told will start this afternoon. Soviets may fudge a little on futuristic weapons. I meet Sens. Dole & Boren tomorrow morning. Recent word about N. Korea moving ground to air missiles near the border. [. . .]

N.S.C.—Nicaragua—we are going to deliver money to the Contras so they can buy their own food. Soviets had a missile plant explosion last week.

At 11:00 A.M. I met with Geo. Shultz who gave me some outlines & proposals about the upcoming summit—there’ll be a lot of that from now on. Then at 11:30 a larger meeting with Att. Gen., Sec. of Treasury, Geo. S. plus one of our negotiators from Panama, Colin Powell & a few others. Subject was Noriega & what to do about him. Finally I interrupted the debate & told the negotiator to go back to Panama—lay down our terms & if Noriega doesn’t go along tell him we’ll send in our military. That ended the meeting.

A short lunch then a drop by (Roosevelt Rm.) for excerpts on what more is needed in our war on drugs. I think they’re going to come up with something good. After a little desk time I went over to East Room with Nancy to meet with & talk to 76 teenage students—38 from U.S. & 38 from Soviet U. They’ve held meetings in Finland & Moscow & now here. Why dont we let the young people run the world—there wouldn’t be any wars.

Back to the Oval O. & a meeting with top echelon of Nat. Federation of Repub. Women. A report from the Intermarket Working group—they are studying the stock mkts. & recommending some changes. Then upstairs for rest of the day.

Ronald Reagan Pen