Diary Entry - 05/16/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss drug treatment with leading experts.
President and Mrs. Reagan meet with 76 teenage students, 38 from the U.S. and 38 from the Soviet Union.
U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop releases a report declaring nicotine as addictive as heroin and cocaine.
I sounded off about Noriega & the medias treatment based on leaks & unfounded gossip. Then I.N.F. Hearings we’re told will start this afternoon. Soviets may fudge a little on futuristic weapons. I meet Sens. Dole & Boren tomorrow morning. Recent word about N. Korea moving ground to air missiles near the border. [. . .]
N.S.C.—Nicaragua—we are going to deliver money to the Contras so they can buy their own food. Soviets had a missile plant explosion last week.
At 11:00 A.M. I met with Geo. Shultz who gave me some outlines & proposals about the upcoming summit—there’ll be a lot of that from now on. Then at 11:30 a larger meeting with Att. Gen., Sec. of Treasury, Geo. S. plus one of our negotiators from Panama, Colin Powell & a few others. Subject was Noriega & what to do about him. Finally I interrupted the debate & told the negotiator to go back to Panama—lay down our terms & if Noriega doesn’t go along tell him we’ll send in our military. That ended the meeting.
A short lunch then a drop by (Roosevelt Rm.) for excerpts on what more is needed in our war on drugs. I think they’re going to come up with something good. After a little desk time I went over to East Room with Nancy to meet with & talk to 76 teenage students—38 from U.S. & 38 from Soviet U. They’ve held meetings in Finland & Moscow & now here. Why dont we let the young people run the world—there wouldn’t be any wars.
Back to the Oval O. & a meeting with top echelon of Nat. Federation of Repub. Women. A report from the Intermarket Working group—they are studying the stock mkts. & recommending some changes. Then upstairs for rest of the day.