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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/12/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-12-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the leaders of the International Council of the World Conference on Soviet Jewry.

  • President Reagan attends a meeting to receive the baseball jersey he wore in the film, "The Winning Team," from the owner John Allen.

  • Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze meet in Geneva.

View the President's Schedule
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Started the day at 10 A.M. talking about Don Regan. Then discussed my Sat. Radio show & the Trade bill & what game is Cong. playing. Then Drugs & a possible summit with Cong. to come up with a plan. Ed Meese agrees. A little talk about my graduation speech to Coast Guard Academy. There is also talk of Blue Angels doing a fly by as we leave for Moscow. Then Nancy & I are both going to get a briefing on security.

N.S.C. Agreement has been reached in Geneva on futuristic weapons & 9 other disputed points. Negotiations in Panama still going on. We’re still waiting to hear from Japan on some idea of helping they had. July 1st will be the 20th anniversary of opening a treaty on Nuc. testing.

Desk time & lunch outdoors.

At 2 P.M. a meeting with leaders of org. on Soviet Jewry. We discussed our approach to this at summit. They are very supportive. A photo with Gordon Luce & daughter Kelly who works in Ed. Dept.

Then a meeting with Landon Parvin who has a great idea for me next week at Photographers dinner—photos & narration. Bob Tuttle briefly with some appointments to approve.

Then admin. time—Goodwill industries & graduate of the year from their program for training the disabled.

Photo with officials of Non-Commissioned Officers Org. Also a signing of I.L.O. compacts. Report from interagency task force on adoption & received a gift—the Baseball jersey I wore as Alex the Great in the movie. And then it was upstairs to Black tie for dinner with about 35 of the people helping us with the Presidential Library. A very nice affair with many old friends & some new.

Ronald Reagan Pen