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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/12/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-12-1982

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady participate in a welcoming ceremony in honor of the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil and Mrs. Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo.

  • President Reagan learns that the British are preparing to attack mainland bases in Argentina.

  • South Africa unveils a plan that would give voting rights to citizens of Asian and mixed-race descent, but not to blacks.

View the President's Schedule
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Pres. Figueriedo of Brazil arrived—a 3rd generation cavalryman. Usual military ceremony, 21 gun salute & all. He’s a common sense, agreeable gentleman with a sense of humor. I think maybe we’ve wiped out some of the ill feeling left over from some previous mistakes. I told him how as the 2 “big states” us here & Brazil in S.A. we could work together for the accord N. & S. that we should have. Al H.—George Bush & I lunched on the patio & heard about George’s trip to China. The P.R.C. is really obsessed with our continuing to be friendly to Taiwan. Well there isn’t going to be any change on our part. Francis Albert (Sinatra) came by with the Multiple Sclerosis Mother & Father of the year. He’s heading up their fundraising drive—“F.S. for M.S.” What a cruel disease—a young mother getting around in a walker—has a handsome little boy. Louis Unser—brother of the Indianapolis 500 champ—(Louis was a race driver too), he’s in a wheelchair. He has a lovely little girl. Tonite—State dinner—Sergio Mendez entertains. A really nice dinner & evening. The Pres. told me he had a call from his Ambas. in Buenos Aires to the effect the British were about to attack mainland bases in Argentina—that he (The Pres.) must try to intervene with Pres. Galtien & I should get to the British.

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