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May 10, 1984

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Diary Entry - 05/10/1984

Thursday, May 10, 1984

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Another drop by in the family dining room to urge support for the MX—this group was mixed. Met with a Japanese Minister—V.P. of the Liberal Dem. Party V.P. Nikaido. He brought a message from P.M.Nakasone. John Tower came in—he thinks we have problems in the Sen. on our chemical weapon bill unless the House goes for it big. I presented citations to the 2 scientists who won the Enrico Ferni awards. Went to the Hilton & addressed the Nat. Realtors Assn. convention. Had a chance to straighten the record that I do support deductibility of mortgage interest. Then a W.H. reception for some of the top money raisers for tonights dinner for the Sen. & Cong. campaign funds. And tonite the dinner—the biggest single pol. fund raising event in our history—almost $5 mil. It was a truly great event.