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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/09/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses a dinner honoring the memory of Representative John Ashbrook.

  • President Reagan returns to the White House from his trip to Texas, Arizona, California, and Ohio.

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A meeting with members of Cong. re the MX—this one was preaching to the Choir. Then time for a photo with Mrs. Clark the widow of the Dr. who died after months of living with an artificial heart. She’s a remarkable & likeable lady. Off to San Antonio for the Cinco de Mayo celebration. A big outdoor event, a largely Hispanic audience & I believe a fruitful day. Then back on A.F.1 & on to Phoenix. Checked in at Ariz. Biltmore & over to Nancy’s mothers apt. for dinner. She was very much with it & we had a good visit. The next day I addressed the Sun City Posse & was made an honorary member. This is a group of vol. senior citizens who patrol that Sr. Citizens community & have markedly reduced crime there. A bite of lunch at the hotel & off to address the nat. convention of the Nat. Rifle Assn. A crowd of thousands—a 20 min. speech ran 35 mins. because of applause including a standing ovation. Back to Deedee’s—Nancy had arrived & we left for Pt. Mugu & Marine 1 and on to the ranch. Weather beautiful. Sat. like old times except that we rode after lunch because of the timing on some phone calls I had to make in the A.M. A good ride—then back where Phil Shipley & Bob Mardigan & crew of 4 Mexicans were putting in 3 Live Oak trees as a gift. They also took out 4 life size pines that had been tipped by the wind. Barney, Dennis & I cut them up—firewood & hauled the toppings & limbs to the dump. Sunday a bit windy but beautiful. A good ranch day—a ride, then Mike D. for lunch. Finally B.D. & me hauled oak prunings to the dump all afternoon. Monday morning left for Ashland Ohio where that evening I addressed a dinner honoring memory of John Ashbrook—then on to Wash. It’s wonderful to get out in the country & meet the people of this land.

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