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May 08, 1985
The King & Queen came by to take us to the airport. There was a farewell ceremony—review of troops,—nat. anthems, 21 guns—the works. Then it was goodbye & we were off to Strasbourg to address the European Parliament. Let me just say, the monarchy in Spain like an anchor to windward is an important factor in keeping Spain on a democratic course and the King is dedicated to that purpose. He & I have a solid relationship & his friendship for the U.S. is sincere and lasting.
We arrived at the Strasbourg airport about 12:15—met by our Ambas. Van Galbreath [Galbraith] plus a large delegation headed by Pierre Pflimlin—Parliament Pres. The usual ceremonies—review of the French Troops etc. Nancy was then taken for a tour of historic old Strasbourg. I went to a lunch with the greeters & members of Parliament, signed the Golden Book of Strasbourg with the Mayor & then on to the Parliament. I was aware that 38 members out of the 434 had voted that I shouldn’t be allowed to speak, so was not surprised when I was greeted with something of a demonstration. I am the 1st Am. Pres. to ever address the E.P. The pol. coloration of the demonstrators was obvious. They reacted to any criticism of the Soviets—held up signs about Nicaragua etc. I felt it necessary to direct a few comments their way which brought ovations from the majority. My theme was “Freedom works,” and I recognized the near miracle that the Parliament represents.
At the beginning there was a breakdown in the teleprompter & I had a momentary problem picking up my place in the script. After a time the TP began working.
After the speech had a brief meeting with Pres. Ahrens of the Parliamentary Assembly, Sec. Gen. of the Council of Europe Oreja & Chairman of the Council of Europe Comm. of Ministers Deputies.
Then Nancy joined us & it was off to Lisbon—a 3 hr. flight across France, the Pyrenees & Spain. I was struck again at how much the Spanish & Portuguese countryside looks like Calif.
We were met by Pres. Eanes & wife. Motored into town (this was my 2nd meeting with the Pres.—he had been to Wash. on a State visit). We had a chance to visit on the drive—Nancy & his wife were in another car.
In town a huge, warm welcoming crowd and the usual military review— except this time part were horse cavalry. Then we went into the ancient Jeronimos Monastery for a wreath laying ceremony assisted by mil. cadets. A meeting with Lisbons Mayor & his wife—signed guest book & exchanged gifts. Then to Belem Palace escorted by the cavalry. Another exchange of gifts. Pres. Eanes & our people had a plenary meeting. He held forth most of time about N.A.T.O. & need for additional help in mil. spending. We have a solid partnership what with our bases on the Azores etc.
Then we departed for the Queluz palace & the luxury of dinner in bed & a good nights sleep.