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May 03, 1988

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Diary Entry - 05/03/1988

Tuesday, May 3, 1988

View the President's Schedule

The press have a new one thanks to Don Regans book. We make decisions on the basis of going to Astrologers. The media are behaving like kids with a new toy—never mind that there is no truth in it.

Ed Meese has a candidate for Deputy Att. Gen. This time he’ll keep it quiet while we run a background check.

N.S.C.—Israelis have sent troops into S. Lebanon to surround 2 villages suspected of harboring Palestine terrorists.

Kozak is on his way back to Panama. Evidently there are discussions going on that could lead to a deal.

At 9:45 A.M. a meeting with Bermuda Premier John Swan. He’s a fine fellow & has a problem. We’ve had a treaty between our 2 countries & it’s been before the Sen. Committee for 2 yrs. with no action. At 11:45 A.M. went into Roosevelt room where Asian & Island Americans were waiting for my signing of the “Asian, Pacific American Heritage Week Proclamation.” There were 2 Asian American women present who I have appointed to top govt. positions. Then it was time for lunch.

After lunch an N.S.C. briefing on Noriega & possible actions we can take. But mainly it was on a proposed Space Program & how to fund it. Then I met with 4 ex-Soviet citizens who we helped get out of Soviet prisons. Then over to the East Room to a seminar with people working on religious rights in the U.S.S.R.

Some desk time—a photo with Cardinal Lubachivaky of the Ukrainian Catholic Church which is outlawed by the Soviets. Then a meeting with Jim Martin of N.C. He has a project involving the off shore islands around Cape Hatteras. I’ll take it up with our people. Then a sneeze shot & upstairs for exercise & dinner.