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April 22, 1986
More briefing on Tokyo. I know I’ll have to study the briefing material closer to the time. I cant retain all that we talk about for 2 or 3 weeks. An interview by press reps. from each of the summit countries. It went well—more about Libya etc. Then a meeting with several congressmen from Oil states. They had a program of things we can do to help the Oil industry which is hard hit by the nose diving price of oil. I was able to tell them we are already prepared to do most of what they are asking. They left on cloud nine & I issued a public statement. Later in the day 2 Dem. Govs. of oil states came by. We did the same routine. In between times I was phoning Sens. to persuade them to vote for a “fast track” on trade talks with Canada. This is a Finance Comm. vote & we’re behind. Sen. Bill Livingston of Col. [La.] refuses to go with us because he says I dont pay enough attention to the Sens. & they can only get my attention by throwing a monkey wrench in the works. I got a little mad??!!
A group of Calif. St. Assemblymen called on me, they were really a high level group. They’d all been convention delegates for me in 76, 80 & 84.
Tonite I addressed the Heretage Foundation dinner at the Shoreham. It was a great evening honoring Joe & Holly Coors.