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Visit StoreApril
April 19, 1983
Cong. leadership re the Commission Strategic Force report. One present—Sen. Alan Cranston is a big bleeding heart for nuclear freeze. He said nothing to us in the meeting but tore us apart outside on the lawn to the press. He only favors Soviet arms not U.S. Then went over to the East Room to formally announce my approval of the commission report. An unpleasant briefing—N.S.C. on the Beirut bombing. Lord forgive me for the hatred I feel for the humans who can do such a cruel but cowardly deed. Met with representatives of various medical & hospital groups to receive report from A.M.A. of what the profession (every facet) is doing to provide medical care for the uninsured, unemployed. It’s a wonderful example of volunteerism. Reception for Building Trade Unions et al. Wonderful pvt. dinner for H.R.H. Alexandria & Angus Olgivey (her husband). Cy Coleman—song writer entertained—everyone had a really good time.