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April 18, 1984

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Diary Entry - 04/18/1984

Wednesday, April 18, 1984

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A busy time tying up loose ends for getaway day on the trip to China plus a complicated packing chore. Said a farewell to Larry Eagleburger who is leaving State Dept. after 23 yrs. to go into private life. We’ll miss him he’s a fine foreign service officer. Kadafi must be insane—a demonstration by Libyan exiles in front of the Libyan Embassy in London was fired on by someone in the Embassy, 11 wounded & 1 Eng. Police Woman killed. The Eng. police have the embassy surrounded now but cant storm it under international law. Kadafi has surrounded the British Embassy in Libya with mil. forces & that is a state of siege. Our intelligence has learned that Kadafi ordered the embassy in London to attack the demonstrators & start a wave of fire throughout Eng. He charges Eng. is in cahoots with the demonstrators. Had an interesting lunch with 2 Cardinals, several Arch Bishops, Bishops & Monsignor. It was a mix all the way from stalwarts like Cardinal Krol & Arch Bishop O’Connor to Bishops who are part of the peace movement. I think I got a few things off my chest—but politely. Back to Packing.