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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 04/15/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-15-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany to discuss establishing an embassy in El Salvador.

  • President Reagan meets with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt Butrus Butrus Ghali.

  • President Reagan receives the 1983 Man of the Year Award from the officers of the Association of Physical Fitness Centers.

View the President's Schedule
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Tax day and our returns are on all the front pages with emphasis on our supposed wealth—as usual the stories are slanted. Chancellor Helmut Kohl—W. Germany arrived. Good meetings. Ended with lunch in the St. Dining room. We have established a fine relationship. I asked him to establish an embassy in El Salvador. They have one in Nicaragua. He’s waiting for Duarte to visit Germany. Duarte will be a cand. in coming election. Kohl favors him & will give him the embassy to take home to El S. I recvd. from a group of muscle builders their man of the year award. Signed a law day (May 1) proclamation—then off to Camp David in the rain.

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