Diary Entry - 04/14/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to begin the National Safety Belt Campaign.
President Reagan announces the creation of the President's Commission on Drunk Driving.
The U.S. and Nicaragua agree to try lessening tensions between their two countries.
Al Haig is back. We really have a tough problem and it hasn’t been made any easier by the press. In what I think is a most irresponsible act—engineered by Bernstein of the Post, they have charged that we are lending aid to Britain’s Navy in the Falkland dispute. This of course has set the Argentinians on fire. The charge is false. We are providing Eng. with a communications channel via satellite but that is part of a regular routine that existed before the dispute. To have cancelled it would have been taken as supporting the Argentine. We’re still in the game as to trying for a peaceful settlement & Al will be going to Argentina. Met with our team on the budget discussions. I think we’re coming close to a good negotiating position but it requires Cap W. to make a $5 Bil. cut plus another $2 Bil. in a cap on salaries which would be applied to all salaries across the board—a 4% increase for each of the next 3 yrs. He’s not happy—neither am I but the stakes are too high to not do it.