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April 08, 1987
Staff time—some discussion about 2 cand’s. for job as Dir. of one of the bank programs. One backed by Sen. Garn the other by Sen. Armstrong. I’ll decide after we return from Calif.
N.S.C.—briefing a variety of subjects including of course the Embassy security problem.
Then a meeting with U.S.-Canada Free Trade Group; CEO’s of Am. businesses & industries—great helpers on our trade problem. We reported on the Canadian trip.
Then I went over to the Pentagon for my quarterly meeting with the Joint Chiefs. It was a fascinating report they had for me. Some of it reorganization plans but the real kicker a report on new weaponry. We cant match the Soviets Tank for Tank so we use our technology & come up with a weapon that nullifies their superior numbers. There was much top secret & brand new in aircraft.
Back to the W.H. & after lunch a meeting with Ed Meese on replacement of Bill Webster as Dir. of F.B.I. A possible candidate is Byron White—presently on Supreme Court. This too will be checked out while we’re in Calif. Then a meeting again with Business people volunteers. This time the Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations. Again it was to report on our Canada trip.
Finally it was a visit to the Rose Garden with Nancy for the unveiling of the famous persons stamp—honoring this time the late Dr. Harvey Cushing the great Neuro Surgeon who was Dr. Loyals mentor & hero. Dr. Cushings daughter on hand for the ceremony & then a receiving line & reception in the W.H. Dick & Pat (Nancys brother) on hand & our guests for the night, they’ll be joined by Anne & John. Tomorrow Calif.