Diary Entry - 04/05/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan hosts a breakfast meeting with Freshman Republican Member of the House of Representatives.
President Reagan holds the daily press conference in the Oval Office.
President Reagan addresses representatives of the National Conference of Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO.
Opened with a brkfst. for Repub. freshmen Congressmen. What a great bunch they are & they’ve stayed together and supported the admin. solidly. Met with Nat. Security Planning group re a former Nicaraguan rebel leader who has left the govt. there & wants to head up a counter revolution. Tried something new with press. Had them come into the Oval Office & gather round the desk. It worked darn well. I took advantage of the occasion to announce I’d be speaking to U.N. Arms Limitation Conf. in June after return from Europe. Also suggested Brezhnev should do the same. That was the evening news. Went to Hilton Hotel—to speak to same group I addressed a yr. ago on March 30. They didn’t exactly fall all over me. Their business—bldg. trade is hurting and they’d really like some govt. handouts. Cap. W. home from Asia— now we’ll try to get the MX back in the budget. Met with Lyn N.—he drops in every once in awhile.