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March 31, 1988

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Diary Entry - 03/31/1988

Thursday, March 31, 1988

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Brief talk about the House passing Contra Aid by a sizeable margin. Also change in Moscow trip schedule—we leave for Helsinki May 25 instead of May 26.

N.S.C.—Les Aspin of House Armed Svc’s. committee took $300 mil. away from M-X rail launchers & added it to the Midget Man missiles which only the Congress wants—the mil. doesn’t want them. F. Carlucci had already raised them by $200 mil. Now the Cong. also removed $800 mil. from our figure for S.D.I.—this is a terrible set back.

At 9:45 down to the Situation room for an N.S.P.G. meeting. Main purpose was on problem of Philippines making noises like we should remove our bases at Clark Field & Subic Bay. Of course if we wanted to raise the rent a fantastic amount they’d reconsider. Then we got on Noriega again & cleared up a few items that had been suggested but that would have been very counter productive.

Lunch with V.P. Then an interview with a 17 yr. old high school journalist for a magazine on “Heroes.” It was pleasant & brief. His name was John Parmalee.

In the Roosevelt room I addressed a group of top business leaders etc. kicking off the “Baldridge Quality Awards” program. It is another incentive idea toward making us more competitive in the world mkt.

A Cabinet meeting during which word came the Senate had passed the Contra aid bill 88 to 7.

Some photos with departmental staffs. Then Admin. time. Photo with Pat Ingoglia & family—she used to be on my staff in Calif. Then reps. of the White House Athletic Center. And a signing of a bill that involves a 3 way land trade involving between Nev. Fla. & Aerojet with us winding up able to buy some more game land in Fla. at no expense to us.

A haircut & then a taping session & upstairs. Mike R. will be here tonite to go to Calif. with me on A.F.1.