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March 22, 1983

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Diary Entry - 03/22/1983

Tuesday, March 22, 1983

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Another day that shouldn’t happen. On my desk was a draft of the speech on defense to be delivered tomorrow night on T.V. This was one hassled over by N.S.C., State & Defense. Finally I have a crack at it. I did a lot of re-writing. Much of it was to change bureaucratic into people talk. But all day there were meetings—with Congress, with our volunteer leaders from the business world, unscheduled meetings having to do with problems & finally a trip to the Capital Club to address a few hundred Repub. donors, Congressmen etc. Finally back to the W.H. to catch up with all the memos & reports that had piled up on my desk since early morning. During the day speaking to our Cong. Repub. leadership I blasted the Dem. budget with the press in attendance. It was a good pitch exposing the ridiculous, irresponsibility of the phony budget—but on the evening news they showed a quick 20 seconds in which I wasn’t saying anything about the tax increase, the increase in spending etc.