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March 19, 1982
Met with reps. of Nat. Home Builders—Forest Product Assn. & other builders groups. They really have a depressing story to tell of what has happened to their industry—due to high interest rates. They’ve been very supportive of us. They want me to support Sen. Lugars bill—govt. to subsidize lower interest home mortgages. Sam Pierce has a Cab. committee studying this—ans. next week. Staff meeting on strategy to break log jam on budget with Dems. Part hinges on Cap W. finding some defense savings that he can say will not delay our defense rearming program. Also finding some unnamed sources that will not curtail our tax incentive plan. For all this we must get Dem. willingness to cut entitlements on a bi-partisan basis. Off to Camp David—rainy—saw “Das Boat” a German movie of a WWII submarine crew. Very good but strange to find yourself rooting for the enemy.