Diary Entry - 03/15/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan makes an announcement to the press that the deficit reduction package has bipartisan support in both Houses of the Congress.
President Reagan learns that the U.S. lost a Poland Human Rights Bill by two votes (Russia and Jordan).
Met with Repub. leadership both houses. They have agreed to our proposed deficit package. Mark Hatfield called from Harvard to tell me he too was on board. Jeane Kirkpatrick came in to tell me we lost a Poland Human Rights bill in the U.N. Security Council—2 votes against us—Soviet U. & Jordan. King Hussein has turned on us and blasted me personally in a N.Y. Times interview. I dont know that he’s left any room for coming back & he’s already flirting with the Soviet U. Jeane is also worried about what the Congress is doing to us on El Salvador & Nicaragua & so am I. Dick Walters came in—what a man he is. He has averaged 1000 miles travel a day for the past year. [. . .] I spoke to Am. Puerto Rican leaders, dropped in on the Nat. Alliance of Bus. exec. committee & also Nat. Federation of Press Women. Some other routine things—picture taking etc. then the high spot: In the Rose Garden flanked by Repub. Cong. Leaders made a statement to the press that we had agreed on a bud. plan to reduce deficits $150 bil. over 3 yrs. Nancy is home hooray!