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Diary Entry - 03/15/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-15-1982

Key Facts

  • Nicaragua's ruling junta proclaims a month-long state of siege and suspends the nation's constitution for one day after anti-government rebels destroy two bridges near the Honduran border.

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Leave on the 3 state trip—be back tomorrow. First stop Montgomery Ala.—addressed the State Legis. I am the 1st Pres. to ever speak in their chamber—unless you count Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy. Did a fund raiser reception—Q&A. On to Nashville same routine then on to Okla. City. In Okla. City 2 fund raisers—a small $5000 a couple affair then into a larger $1000 affair. Did Q&A again. It’s good to get out & feel the warmth of the people. The streets were lined with people. Yes, there were some demonstrators but they didn’t amount to much. There was great response to any statement I made about maintaining our defenses.

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