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March 09, 1983
Meeting with Repub. Cong. leadership. Discussed strategy for all the major items on the legislative plate—El Salvador, Soc. security, withholding of inc. tax on Int. & dividends, our job bill. They seemed a little more upbeat than they’ve been. An N.S.C. meeting on El Salvador. It looks like we’ll have to redistribute funds from other countries to increase El S’s grant. Other actions such as providing A.W.A.C.S. info to them on ammo supply flights from Nicaragua to the rebels are proceeding as scheduled. Met with exec. comm. of Nat. Repub. Federated Women. A good but brief time. These ladies are so supportive. Ended afternoon by calling Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rossow in Conn. This couple had adopted 12 children—all as deformed or handicapped babies—the kind who usually are victims of infanticide. I talked to them & to all the children. You could feel the love & joy that is in that household. If ever one needed proof that God has a purpose for each one of us let them meet the Rossows.