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March 06, 1985

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Diary Entry - 03/06/1985

Wednesday, March 6, 1985

Up early—I don't sleep well when I’m alone. Another brkfst. this time for House Demos. Usual Q&A on MX. Imperceptibility there seems to be a tide running a bit our way. Over in the Cabinet room met with bi-partisan leadership both houses. Had our 3 chief Arms Negotiators on hand. They spoke briefly & then opened for discussion. A press fuss over House members going to Geneva for opening of talks made it seem like we were complaining that it was just another junket. I called Jim Wright to tell him—not true that we believed their going would show unity to the Soviets. So at this meeting I asked him to go.

Had lunch with Sen. John Stennis. He’s a fine old gentleman & while a life long Dem. he really stands by us on things like MX & the Defense budget.

Made a pitch to a citizens group on MX in the East Room. Then a couple of hours in the Dr.’s room doing some of my annual check up.—I’m healthy. Back to the Oval O. for live T.V. coverage of my vetoing farm spending bill that had been hung on to an African food aid bill. A great argument for Line item veto.

Another 6 P.M. cocktail go—same subject—M.X. Repubs. this time. Nancy is home safe & sound.