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March 05, 1981

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Diary Entry - 03/05/1981

Thursday, March 5, 1981

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Brkfst. with Congressional Dem. Conservative Caucus. Gung ho for our ec. pckg. but went further & gave us their recommendation for 10 Bil. in additional budget cuts.

Photos with Cystic Fibrosis children.

Meeting with La. Sen. Long & several La. congressmen plus Gov. Dave Treen—they want Red river project put back in the budget. They’ll probably get it but I didn’t tell them so. We’ll probably get something such as important support for it.

Lunch with V.P. in his office. Cabinet meeting—announced compromise decision re Jim Edwards nuclear proposals which had been opposed by O.M.B.

Taped a T.V. segment for Acad. Awards—for a business conference & for Red Cross promotion.

Dinner at home & bed. Tomorrow Camp David.