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March 01, 1985

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Diary Entry - 03/01/1985

Friday, March 1, 1985

View the President's Schedule

Just learned we’re putting together a program for me to lean on individual & small groups of Congress re our problems—budget, MX etc. Looks like a lot of breakfast drop bys & cocktail hour meetings. Sen. Pete Domenici is working on an idea of getting the Sen. to send a drastic budget resolution over to the House with cuts way beyond ours to force the Demos to negotiate.

The Nicaragua problem continues to fester. The most sophisticated, high priced lobby effort in years—Nicaragua sponsored is taking place on the hill and a number of members are buying their falsehoods which means they accept the lobbyists words over ours including our intelligence services, the state dept. etc.

Met briefly with several representatives of Arab-Am. groups. They were most supportive of us during the campaign. We had a brief talk about the middle east.

Spoke briefly to about 100 of our top appointees in the East room & came up to the study for rest of afternoon. Tonite we go to the annual CPAC dinner—I speak. It was a good affair—in the 1st place it ran 15 mins. ahead of schedule which has to be a 1st of some kind.