Diary Entry - 03/01/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan welcomes the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mohamed Karim-Lamrani, to the White House.
President Reagan receives congratulation letters for his efforts on prayer in schools from Concerned Women for America (CWA).
U.S.S.R. performs a nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan, Semipalatinsk, USSR.
N.S.C. brief—said goodbye (I hope temporarily) to Dick Stone. He’s been doing a great job as a roving Ambas. in Central Am. Friction developed—a personality clash with another good man in State Dept. Dick has resigned. I hope we can find another spot for him. Addressed the Am. Legion’s Women’s Aux. at the Hilton. They seem very supportive of all we’re trying to do—especially the Prayer In School Amendment. Had lunch with Bud, Mike D. & Mrs. Massie—just back from Russia. She’s a remarkable woman with some great insight on the Russians. She reinforced my gut feeling that it’s time for me to personally meet with Chernenko. Cab. Council on Ec. affairs—whether to go again for a lower minimum age for teenagers. I said yes. Another issue re a job plan for youth—I rejected a $20.7 bil. plan the Dem. Reps. are suggesting. Then a string of visitors—Head of V.F.W.—New members of W.H. Press Corps.—The 15 photo winners—Reps. of a school prayer group—a womans org. with more members than N.O.W.—H.R. Gross & Hazel with their sons & their wives and children. The youngest son is named after H.R. & me—Then some athletes including Rosie Greer who are in town to testify before Cong. in favor of Prayer in school. A meeting with about 40 Latin Am. journalists sponsored by U.P.I. Then over to the W.H. (East Room) to meet with leaders—about 100 or more—of the Vietnam Vet’s. Leadership program. This 3 yr. old group is a very successful volunteer effort by V. Vets who’ve succeeded to help those Vets who haven’t been able to re-adjust. They’ve been very effective.