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February 27, 1987

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DIary Entry - 02/27/1987

Friday, February 27, 1987

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A meeting with Repub. Cong. Leadership. Whole conversation was how I was to stage a comeback, my upcoming speech etc. Ed Meese dropped by with a word about Lannis the man we’ll have to extradite to the Soviet U. He’s been convicted there of W.W. II crimes—he’ll be executed. We have no choice under the law. We’ve tried to find a country that will take him & none will.

A couple of photos with visiting state legislators & then upstairs. Before the afternoon was over I’d been visited by Howard Baker & Paul Laxalt. Howard has agreed to be Chief of Staff when Don R. resigns Mon. Things moved up—a leak about Howard got out. I received a one line letter from Don resigning as of now. He was understandably angry. So guess what the news is tonite.

Early evening John Tower came by & we discussed my next week speech about the Tower commission report etc.