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February 26, 1988
Had a letter from our Ambas. to Ireland Peggy Heckler. She says Irish are all for us on I.N.F. Some talk with Howard & Ken about Noriega. That really is a mixed up mess in Panama. Then we talked about possibility of trying a line item veto just to get the problem before the Sup. Ct.
We are having a problem with Jesse Helms on our appointment of General Burns to A.C.T.A. Right now we have several unfilled vacancies at Dept. of Commerce. Veritys man Bruce Smart is leaving.
N.S.C.—Colin reports that Pres. of Panama has been ousted. He denies he is out but the Assembly passed a measure declaring he was no longer Pres.
Ceaucescu of Romania has asked us not to extend “most favored Nation” to Romania.
Soviets & Armenians are having trouble. Armenians want independence.
At 10:50 did an audio tape for our Congressional candidate in special election in La. Then down to the Situation room for a meeting on upcoming N.A.T.O. summit then switched to Central Am. & Noriega.
A very pleasant lunch with a group of Repub. St. Chairman from the Super Tues. primary states. After lunch moved from Cab. room to Roosevelt room where leaders of all manner of service clubs & orgs. were meeting on drug problem. They have a program going—Crusade for a Drug Free America.
A photo then in Oval O. with Caroline Rhoden—soon to be Caroline McCalister. She of course is leaving us.
Then upstairs. Nancy is down in Dr’s. office having a little tuck taken where her mastectomy was done.