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February 25, 1986
The call this morning was at 6:45. Pres. Marcos & his family & close circle I was told are in our Clark Air base. We dont know yet his destination but he’s said he wants to stay in the Philippines. He has a home in Northern Luzon. In the office I was met by George S. & the V.P., Cap, John, Don etc. We are ordering our Ambas. & others to contact Aquino to see if we could persuade her to accept his staying in the Islands with a promise of security. As the day went on we learned she wasn’t going to do that. He incidentally is quite ill & is bed ridden at Clark. By evening we learned his party had left by medi-vac plane for Guam. He was carried to the plane on a stretcher. It was a day of bill signings & a luncheon with exec. committee of our library fund.
The big deal here was an hour interview with Barbara Walters—then another with Nancy on the 3rd floor. There will be more tomorrow. It’s for a special to precede the Academy Awards.
During a Domestic Policy Council meeting we had a report of the amazing progress we’ve made in management improvement.