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February 18, 1988
Started day at 10 A.M.—Some talk about budget—I deliver it (’89) to the Congress today. Then some talk about Contras & Jim Wrights proposal on Contra aid. He wanted us to join him—we told him to present his version & we might provide one of our own.
Then it was time to receive the top 6 from the Hill—Byrd, Wright, Foley—Bob Michel, Al Simpson & John Stennis. I gave each of them signed bound volumes of budget. Then we all went into Cabinet room where full leadership was gathered. Jim Miller gave a run down on budget which conforms to the agreement we arrived at last Nov. & no new taxes. Then it was desk time & lunch.
After lunch a photo with Bill Stout who I believe is terminal with Cancer. A photo with Ken Adelman & family—he’s leaving for the pvt. sector. Then Bob Tuttle with personnel appts.
Finally it was N.S.C. time. Colin kept us apprised of what we are doing to locate our kidnaped Lt. Col. Higgens who is leader of U.N. force in Lebanon. We think the kidnapers are the Hesbollah. I phoned his wife who is a Marine Major at the Pentagon.
Then a tea party for half hour with Lucky & Archie Roosevelt. It’s his B.D.—a pleasant time.
And finally a big swearing in ceremony in the East Room for Anthony Kennedy as Justice of the Supreme Ct. Upstairs & days end.