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Visit StoreFebruary
February 17, 1987
Looks like Jack Koehler will replace Pat B. & Frank Donatelli will come abourd as Pol. Liason. Neither have said yes—but want to talk to me & we believe their answer will be yes. An N.S.C. briefing was mainly on the P.M. Shamir (Israel) visit tomorrow. I’ve suggested that after that we have Jeanne Kirkpatrick in to tell us about her visits with Gorbachev & Scharansky. Then Cap came by for a brief meeting on S.D.I.—we’re all on the same wavelength.
After lunch I met with a dozen top CEO’s on our competitiveness plan then it was over to the East Room to make a formal speech to them and another 100 or so on the subject. Everyone felt it went real well.
A brief meeting with Don R. on receiving the Tower report next week. On the advice of a lot of contacts I will go on the air & make the report public the day after we receive it. Then several days later we’ll have a press conference.
Ended the day with a taping which included a 30 second spot on Red Cross for the Spanish T.V. network. I had them spell it out phonetically & I did it in Spanish.
Final news was that the Appliance Standards bill—Bob Byrds favorite which he said I’d veto & they’d override was replaced by our amended version which passed the Sen. 89 to 6. The Stock mkt. closed—up by 54 points—a new record. And I began light work outs in our gym.