Diary Entry - 02/12/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan travel to Los Angeles on Air Force One.
President and Mrs. Reagan visit David Murdock's home for a California State Republican fundraiser.
The Pentagon claims that two Soviet Navy vessels deliberately bumped two U.S. warships in the Black Sea.
Up 7:30—no breakfast—fog—had to drive to Andrews A.F.B. then A.F.1 to Calif. By having breakfast on plane we got our schedule onto Calif. time. Arrived L.A. 11:50 Calif. time. Lunch in suite at Century Plaza. Then some down time until 4 P.M. when we left for David Murdocks home for a Calif. State Republican fundraiser. About 50 people at $10,000 each. Total raised $630,000. Gov. & Mrs. Deukmejian & Pete Wilson & wife were there. We did a receiving line—mixed & mingled for a bit and then went back to the hotel for early dinner, the T.V. news (Al Haig quitting the campaign & signing on in support of Dole. He did it with a blast at George Bush).