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February 09, 1987
Another day, another $. Death threat to 4 hostages (Beirut Prof ’s.) wasn’t carried out yesterday. Now they’ve set 5 P.M. today as deadline—that’s 5 our time. Had a session about possible plans for dealing with the terrorist threat—also need to discuss S.D.I. with our allies & cong. Told Don on domestic front I should get active re our Welfare reform as I did on ed. a couple of years back.
Speaking of that I addressed about 200 people at E.O.B. on need for W.F. [Welfare] reform—well received. Then an issues briefing lunch.
Early afternoon Dennis Connor & crew of “Stars & Stripes” came by Oval O. with the Americas Cup. Dennis & I were photographed for a cover on Sports Illustrated. Then we all went over to East Room—big audience & all the press. I spoke briefly so did Dennis who presented me with a plaque model of the 12 meter boat.
Back to office & personal time. Boy Scout group came by with Annual report & membership cards for Nancy & me.
Met with Cap W. mostly on S.D.I. & why we must not engage the Soviets in a discussion that could lead to watering down our ability to proceed with development. A haircut & upstairs. Maureen is here. So far no execution of our hostages but a car bomber in Beirut killed 15 & wounded 50—mostly children.