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February 07, 1983
Brkfst. with Repub. House Freshmen. Briefed them on issues. They really seemed solid & supportive of what the admin. is doing. Delegation from Monroe La. called on me to thank for visit to the flood zone. Brought 30,000 signatures & a photo of billboards erected all over town saying Happy Birthday to me & thanks. A packet of letters from school kids. It was a heartwarming moment. Met with local T.V. anchormen & women—did Q&A. In East Room spoke to Air & Space people on 200th [20th] anniversary of manned space flight. Swearing in of Elizabeth Dole, met Strawberry Queen of W. Va. Young student from Great Falls Montana presented a painting. Another young man from Texas presented a pair of Nocova boots. Home alone—Nancy is in N.Y. til tomorrow.