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February 06, 1987
My birthday! After usual meetings went over to E.O.B. to address meeting of Private sector Initiative supporters—prepared speech in hand. Walked into the auditorium which was filled with Cabinet & executive staff people & the Marine band. The band play “76 Trombones.” Nancy appeared from no where wheeling a giant birthday cake. The whole meeting had been a frame up to achieve a very successful surprise party.
Then back to work. A good meeting with Dave Abshire who is doing very well on his digging into the Iran matter.
Forgot—before all this at 8:34 A.M. we were informed that at that moment Gerald Seib (Wall St. Journal reporter) landed in Zurich on his 31st birthday to be met by our Ambas. & Mrs. Seib.
Another surprise for me when I went into lunch—Kathy & Dottie & Jim were there with a raft of gifts.
Ended office day with a meeting with George S. Well it didn’t quite end the day—Bob Byrd & Bob Dole came in regarding ratification of Nuclear test ban treaty. I had proposed that it be ratified in it’s present form with a proviso that I would submit a protocol for ratification containing agreement to be negotiated regarding verification procedures. Bob Byrd was adamant that a double ratification could not be done. Believe it or not he settled for treaty with clause that would only be in effect after I had submitted verification clause satisfactory to me alone.
Then upstairs—more gifts & a pleasant dinner with the Geoff Swaebes & the Wicks.