Diary Entry - 02/04/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan holds a meeting with President Mubarak.
President Reagan attends NSC meetings.
President Reagan suggests the elimination of all nuclear missiles in Europe.
Up very early to attend annual Prayer Breakfast. General & Mrs. Dozier went with us. As always it was a truly spiritual experience. John Stennis presided. Back to the W.H. for a last meeting with Pres. Moubarak. We decided to make $400 mil. of the $1.3 bil. mil. weapons for Egypt an outright grant. We’d been prepared to grant $200 mil. but politically he needed to take something back symbolizing a triumph resulting from his visit. I think he’s going to do darn well. We’re pushing for Suez passage for our nuclear vessels. He’s reluctant because the Soviets will want the same thing. Day was filled with meetings, N.S.C. etc. We have problems with El Salvador—the rebels seem to be winning. Guatemala could go any day & of course Nicaragua is another Cuba. Lots of options but no decisions. Mid afternoon I could hardly keep my eyes open—in fact I didn’t.—Tonite early to bed.