Diary Entry - 02/03/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Congressional Leadership about his plan to implement the Kissinger Commission's report.
President Reagan attends a luncheon for elected Republican Women from the North East.
The Environmental Protection Agency orders a ban on the pesticide EDB for grain products.
Went down stairs & met a great looking gang of young people who were touring the W.H. They are participants in the Senate Youth Program—members of the Hearst family sponsors were there. Over to the Oval for meeting with leader of Austrian Conservative party (the opposition party). He is very personable & should go far. Then V.P. Furgler of Switzerland came by. We have no problems between our 2 countries. He was most complimentary about how the U.S. is viewed now in Europe. He used a phrase I’d used in the St. of the U. address; he said, “America is back.” Met with Cong. leadership on our plan to send legis. up implementing the Kissinger Commission report. There are a few who want to play politics but I think our legis. will survive. We all adjourned to the East room where I officially announced the legislation. I called the editor of the Tampico Daily Dispatch to apologize for not being able to stop there when I’m in Dixon. They are having a birthday party for all the town at the high school. The editor is a very nice young lady. She was most understanding & gracious. Maureen had arranged another lunch in the St. Dining Room for elected Repub. women from all over the North East. As always it was a good event—lots of enthusiasm & unity. P.M. Eugenia Charles of Dominica was there. After lunch she came by the office to report on Grenada. She feels we shouldn’t be in too big a rush to get out of there. Off to Camp David. Most of the snow of 2 weeks ago is gone.