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January 27, 1988

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Diary Entry - 01/27/1988

Wednesday, January 27, 1988

View the President's Schedule

This became a day that shouldn’t happen to a dog. The schedule sort of went out the window. There was a very brief staff meeting & then at 9:30 N.S.C. went out the window so I could meet with some Congressmen on the Contra aid bill. Then at 10:15 I met with one of the 5 Soviet Soldiers who went over to the Mujahadin in Afghanistan who wrote me asking for shelter in America. We got them out by way of Canada. This one is named Vladislav Novamov. He’s a young man in his 20’s & believes in God. He told me many young people in Russia do. He was with Sen. Gordon Humphrey & a lady from Freedom House in N.Y. They brought a list of others who have deserted the Soviet Army & want to come to America. Then it was more Cong. meetings always on same subject—Contra aid. They ran right up to lunch—some in Cabinet room, some in Oval O. Then right after lunch it was Congressional photo time. This means individual Congressmen bring in individuals or groups they want to have photos with me.

At 1:30 it was Geo. Shultz’s regular meeting. This time on Israel & Middle East—he’s working on a plan for a multi-nation conf. on the Palestinians in Israeli occupied territory, Gaza & the West Bank etc. It sounds good & tomorrow morning I’m to phone King Hussein.

Then at 2 P.M. I went to the Hilton Hotel & addressed the Reserve Officers Assn. Back at the W.H. at almost 3 & started more Cong. meetings 1st in Cabinet Rm. then in Oval O. Finally at 4:15 a taping session—then time to clear my desk of some paperwork & upstairs.