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January 26, 1983

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Diary Entry - 01/26/1983

Wednesday, January 26, 1983

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Met with F. Min. Genscher of W. Germany. He’s with us on our strategy for the I.N.F. talks. Then off to Boston. It was really a fruitful day. Margaret Heckler, Silvio Conte & John Volpe went along. We visited a training center for underprivileged youth learning to be computer programmers. Then visited a computer plant with a real mix of employees (60% minoritys). Did some Q&A & walked the assembly line. They were very warm & friendly. Dropped in unannounced at an Irish pub.—well received. Visited another High tech. plant & participated in a seminar with rep’s. of a high tech. assn. Met with party leaders also & finally back to the W.H. It was a good day.