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January 21, 1987

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Diary Entry - 01/21/1987

Wednesday, January 21, 1987

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Mermie & Dennis are here. I’m still going in at 10 A.M.—Dr’s. orders. First meeting with Don R. I told him I’d like to insert in the St. of the Union a few lines rebutting the doom criers and referring to a “commentary on T.V.” Actually the commentary was last night & it was John Chancellor NBC. He described Am. as way back in the doldrums, no spirit, materialistic etc. Here we are 50 months of recovery—lowest inflation in a quarter of a century—1.1%, lowest unemployment etc. etc.

Frank C. & Gen. Powell had some things to say about the Soviets & disarmament and a few suggestions for my meetings with Cap W. & Geo. S. Cap came in at 11 A.M. We discussed S.D.I. He agreed we should pin our scientists down on progress. Some times they get a little over optimistic. [. . .]

After lunch—back to office for some desk work—then a meeting with Geo. Shultz. He brought word—Soviets are suggesting a foreign ministers meeting in Moscow in Feb. & then—based on it’s success—a summit here in the Spring. We also discussed an arms control strategy to try on them based mainly on getting a 50% reduction in I.C.B.M.s—period. Then we’d negotiate follow up plans.

David Abshire came by—he’s really clearing away a lot of confusion on the Iran mess & turning some around who just plain didn’t understand the situation. Upstairs & deskwork.