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January 20, 1989
Up fairly early. A little before 10 A.M. I went over to the Oval O. now looking pretty bare. Took a picture with the photo pool. Then I took a look at the desk for their photos & walked out the door. Over at the W.H. Nancy & I went to N. entrance for mg. photos of us awaiting the Bushes. Then into the State Dining room for farewell to W.H. staff. It was everyone from Ushers to gardeners, plumbers etc. Then back to the No. entrance to meet the Bushes & Quayles. Into the Blue room for coffee with the Cong. & Sen. members of the Inagurla committees & spouses. At 11 A.M. we departed for Capitol. First limo Geo. & I & Jim Wright & Sen. Ford. Behind us, Barbara B. & Nancy & Bob Michel & Sen. Mitchell.
Some waiting in Capitol with Cong. committee then out to the platform for Swearing in . George is now Pres. & Im ex. Through the Capitol Dome to E. side where Nancy & I board helicopter for Andrews A.F. Base. There I reviewed troops. There was a crowd of a few thousand. On board A.F. 1 & off to Calif. At L.A. airport, several hundred friends & supporters. Speeches by Mayor Bradley, Bill Smith, Rich Little & Bob Stack. I responded & the motorcade took us to our home. Should mention also several bands including U.S.C. band at airport. Barbara Logan sang God Bless Am.
Then home & the start of our new life.