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January 14, 1987
A hot tub & over to the office—I’ll be glad when day after tomorrow comes & I’m through with those hot tubs. We are looking at former Sen. Howard Baker as a replacement for Casey at C.I.A. According to reports we’re getting Bill will never be able to take the job again.
Then meeting with Frank C. I gave him some information—a copy of a message Ghorbanifar is sending to King Fahd on Iran & the factions waiting to succeed Khomanie [Khomeini]. I also told him to turn N.S.C. loose on a possible Govt. in Exile for Nicaragua which we would recognize.
Back upstairs for 2nd hot tub, lunch & back to the office. A meeting with a dept. that is about to create a tunnel leading from my office to the Situation room by the East Wing & the situation room near the Pool house on the West with direct connection to the basement of the W.H. It’s a security measure & needed my O.K. So they’ll go to work on the tunnel this Spring & the above ground work at the office in Aug. when we’re in Calif. My interview with Trudy Feldman was postponed until Feb. so upstairs to the tub again.