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January 14, 1982

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Diary Entry - 01/14/1982

Thursday, January 14, 1982

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Flew over the scene of the crash (Marine 1). Cranes & barges on hand—no evidence they’ve raised the fuselage which is in 25 ft. of water. Then Air Force 1 and on to N.Y. to address the “N.Y. Partnership.” This is high powered group that got together 1st to save N.Y. & now is doing valuable things like getting 14,000 kids summer jobs in pvt. firms. Talk went over well. Met new Sec. Gen. of U.N. from Peru and then home—landed at Andrews in a blinding snow storm. This morning before leaving had an N.S.C. meeting on planes in Cuba—no decision. I lean toward a giant propaganda campaign aimed at the Cuba people urging them to disavow Soviet U. and become once again a part of the Latin Am. community. Jeanne K. tells me a Soviet ship designed to neutralize efforts to detect presence of Soviet Nuclear Subs has reached Cuba. First time such a ship has ever been in Am. waters. This definitely is an offensive weapon—thus a violation of the ’62 agreement.