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Visit StoreJanuary
January 13, 1986
Found out the Iranians had stopped an American Freighter in the Persian Gulf to check whether it was carrying arms to Iraq. It wasn’t. Apparently it was all done in a civil manner & the ship proceeded on it’s way after about a 2 hr. delay. We’re a little constrained as to doing anything because under the same circumstances we would assert our right to do the same thing.
A pleasant visit by 10 successful young ladies chosen by Glamour magazine as “Outstanding Young Working Women.” Then lunch with about 85 Founder members of “Citizens For America.” This is Nat. wide group started by Jack Hume & headed up by Lew Lehrman. It was a nice occasion—I took some Q’s.
Then a most satisfactory meeting with Council for a Black Ec. Agenda. This group is promoting entrepreneurship among Blacks & making sizeable gains for Blacks in home ownership instead of public housing & getting small businesses started. Then a lot of desk work & end of day.