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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 01/12/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Special Counselor to the President David Abshire to discuss the Iran arms and contra aid controversy.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss a covert communications channel between the US and Soviet governments.

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Into the office at 10 A.M.—A light schedule for the rest of the week. Met with Don R. & V.P. The press is quoting the usual unnamed W.H. source that our game plan is to sit tight for 2 yrs. protecting what we’ve already accomplished. Truth is we’ve got so many new programs we want to go after we’re having trouble setting the agenda.

Then Frank C. came in for N.S.C. briefing. He’s really taking hold. We have a situation where Soviets are talking about establishing a covert channel—an individual to carry messages between Dobrynin & Frank???

Then 3 of our arms negotiators came in. We are naming our top one as leader of the group to meet with a Soviet team in Geneva. We’re promoting Max Kampleman to Counselor to the Sec. of State to give him more status as he leads our team. Then upstairs to lunch & sit in a hot tub & back to the office at 3 P.M. Met with David Abshire who is putting all the paper together bearing on Iran mess. A haircut & upstairs to another hot tub.

Called 82 yr. old lady who saved 200 Am. Airmen in France during W.W. II. She hid them & smuggled them out from behind the Nazi lines over a 3–4 yr. period. She’s in the U.S. now but some snafu in Immigration has called for her expulsion from U.S. I read about her in the Wall St. Journal. I called to tell her I had ordered that she be allowed to stay & I’m going to see that she is given U.S. citizenship.

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