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January 11, 1982

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Diary Entry - 01/11/1982

Monday, January 11, 1982

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Repub. House leaders came down to the W.H.—Except for Jack Kemp they are h--l bent on new taxes & cutting the defense budget. Looks like a heavy year ahead. Al Haig seems to have won a moral victory in Brussels on N.A.T.O. vs. Poland & the Soviets. Press running wild with talk that I reversed myself on Taiwan because we’re only selling them F5E’s & F104’s. I think the China Lobby in State Dept. is selling this line to appease the P.R.C. which doesn’t want us to sell them anything. The planes we’re offering are better than anything the P.R.C. has. Later on if more sophistication is needed we’ll upgrade & sell them F5G’s. Reception for the Hoover Inst. Bd. of Governors. It was good to see a lot of old friends again.