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January 09, 1984
Called Dick Nixon to say Happy B.D. On way to office had photo with Paul Laxalt & Frank Fahrenkopf—for “News Week” I think. Staff meetings & then a drop by for Business leaders who have joined together & are going to Grenada to see how the private sector can help Grenadas ec. grow through pvt. investment etc. Budget Luncheon meeting. We’re really divided. Don R. & I want to battle down to the wire for more spending cuts as an answer to the deficits. Stockman & Feldstein plus others want a tax increase. I think they are wrong as h--l. An N.S.C. meeting—this one on how to handle report to Congress on Soviet violations of weapons treaties—which are numerous. We’re going to low key it in the report but deal directly with the Soviets on what do they intend to do about them. Went over to E.O.B. for meeting with about 140 of the Am. Legislative Exchange Council (state legislators). They are very supportive of us. Did Q&A. Met with Miss U.S.A. & Miss Universe. Very nice young ladies. Met 8 incoming Ambassadors. Back to the E.O.B. for reception for participants in Exec. Exchange prog. This is another Pvt. Initiative program. Bus. Execs. come to work for govt. & govt. execs. do a year in the pvt. sector. It’s been very successful.