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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 01/08/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks with G. Ray Arnett, President of the NRA, Washington, D.C.

  • President Reagan attends meeting to review the stock market decline from mid-October.

View the President's Schedule
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The V.P. in Iowa—Howard in Fla. so meeting was Ken & myself. We just visited. Then N.S.C.—Negroponte reported that Pakistan P.M. had sent a warm “thank you” msg. to me for our continuing aid to Pakistan. We have word 3,000 more Cuban troops on way to Angola. N.Y. Times did a story based on a leak that revealed [. . .] Libya—they are making chemical weapons. Duarte (El Salvadore) worrying about Contra (Freedom Fighter) radio on El Salvador territory. We’re hoping he wont try to close it down. [. . .] Then it was desk time all the way to lunch.

My appearance at Army-Navy Club dedication postponed til Tues.

After lunch met with George Shultz who delivered a pitch for all of us getting on the speaking circuit to sell our plans for the countrys future now before the ’88 campaign really gets underway. Made a call to Pepper—just finished a cancer operation. Then dropped by a birthday celebration for Dr. Edward Tellers 80th B.D. Followed by a meeting with Nick Bradys task force which has been studying the stock mkt. problem & now has presented report.

Then 3 P.M. & off to Camp D.

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