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Diary Entry - 01/03/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-03-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Attorney General William Smith to discuss Civil Rights.

  • President Reagan meets with representatives of the Departments of Justice, Interior, and Transportation to discuss budget cuts.

  • The Israel government confirms the resettlement of 10,000 Ethiopian Jews.

View the President's Schedule
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Vacation is over—Congress is in session and I’m back in the Oval O. Biggest part of day was spent hearing appeals from Justice & Interior on proposed budget cuts. Managed a compromise between O.M.B. & Justice. The other problem was whether to cancel the civilian dept. having to do with water problems—irrigation etc. & give it all to the Corps. of Engineers. Teddy R. was the 1st who wanted to end the duplication between these 2. Then Herbert Hoover tried. I’ve told our people to sit down and work out a plan for doing this but not in connection with our budget problem.

Saw an Ambassador & his family off to Equatorial Guiana. A few photo opps. & upstairs. Just got a call from King Juan Carlos of Spain. He & his family have been skiing in Aspen Col.

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