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January 01, 1987
No golf—got up late watched some of Rose Parade—as usual it topped itself. The floats were sensational. In the afternoon after a big luncheon—watched the Rose Bowl game. Mich. vs Ariz. St. Mich. started out as if to go all the way—then came unglued as Ariz. began to convert. Ariz. St. won.
That night—a nice dinner—again our same circle of friends. During all those days at Sunny Land I was getting memos & papers requiring some work. Holland called off it’s proposed assault on Suriname in which they’d asked us for transportation. Don R. called on what we’re going to do about submitting commissions report recommending big pay raises for Congress, Judges & top exec’s. I think we’ll have to hold back or cut back on amount recommended—because of deficit. Truth is the recommended increases make sense.